ICER 2005 Department of Computer Science
The First International Computing University of Washington
Education Research Workshop Seattle, Washington
Saturday,  October 1
9:00 AM Invited Talk,  Empirical Insights into Stages of  Engineering Design
Cindy Atman
10:00 AM Coffee Break
10:30 AM What Novice Programmers Don't Know Gary Lewandowski, Alicia Gutschow, Robert McCartney, Kate Sanders, and Dermot Shinners-Kennedy
11:00 AM Factors Affecting the Success of Non-Majors in Learning to Program Susan Wiedenbeck
11:30 AM Impact of Alternative Introductory Courses on Programming Concept Understanding Allison Elliott Tew, W. Michael McCracken and Mark Guzdial
12:00 PM Lunch
1:30 PM Students' Alternative Standards for Correctness Yifat Ben-David Kolikant
2:00 PM Personalizing and Discussing Algorithms within CS1 Studio Experiences Christopher D. Hundhausen and Jonathan Lee Brown
2:30 PM Pattern Oriented Instruction and the Enhancement of Analogical Reasoning Orna Muller
3:00 PM Coffee Break
3:30 PM Strategies that Students Use to Trace Code: An Analysis Based in Grounded Theory Sue Fitzgerald, Beth Simon, and Lynda Thomas
4:00 PM Examining the Role of Self Regulated Learning on Introductory Programming Performance Susan Bergin, Ronan Reilly, and Desmond Traynor
4:30 PM Software Engineering as a Model of Understanding for Learning and Problem Solving J. Paul Gibson and Jackie O'Kelly
6:00 PM Banquet, Portage Bay Café
ICER 2005 Department of Computer Science
The First International Computing University of Washington
Education Research Workshop Seattle, Washington
9:00 AM Evaluating Assessments of Novice Programming Environments Paul Gross and Kris Powers
9:30 AM Multi-Institutional, Multi-National Studies in CSEd Research: Some Design Considerations and Trade-offs Sally Fincher, Raymond Lister, Tony Clear, Anthony Robins, Josh Tenenberg, and Marian Petre
10:00 AM Coffee Break
10:30 AM Taxonomy of Effortless Creation of Algorithm Visualizations Petri  Ihantola, Ville Karavirta,  Ari Korhonen and Jussi Nikander.
11:00 AM What Does it Take to Learn “Programming Thinking”? Anna Eckerdal and Anders Berglund
11:30 AM Novices’ Anticipations and Previous Knowledge of Software Development - Results of a Study with High School Students Carsten Shulte and Johannes Magenheim
12:00 PM Lunch
1:30 PM An Investigation of Potential Success Factors for an Introductory Model-Driven Programming Course Jens Bennedsen and Michael E. Caspersen
2:00 PM What Do Students Know? An Outcomes-Based Assessment System Titus Winters and Tom Payne
2:30 PM Closing Discussion Richard Anderson, Sally Fincher, Mark Guzdial
3:30 PM End of Workshop